Don't Do It Bro

We help each other quit porn.

Relapsing right now? Tell the group. They will talk you out of it in real time.

This is a peer-support group, and it will only work if many like-minded people join it. So please share this page!

🤔 Problem
There's plenty of help and advice online for people recovering from addictions, but when you have that urge to watch porn, if you're alone, at night, and have nobody to talk to it's easy to give in (talking from personal experience...). I wished there was a live group of good people that I could chat with whenever I felt like relapsing, and that could me talk out of it. Sure you can go in forums and post a thread and wait for a reply (hoping you don't get a troll) but I am talking about real time help from like minded people.
🛠 Solution
I put together a telegram group for this purpose. You will be asked to pledge that you will help others in order to be helped.
Note: We're not doctors. This is a peer-support group of like minded people helping each other. In real time.

Please share this page!

Ideas? bugs? Contact me on Telegram!

Built with ♡ by Mark Venison